Zone and District Unification

Metro North West Bowls

Unifying the Women’s clubs from Mitchell, Macquarie and Lansdowne Districts that are geographically within the existing Zone 10 area will create Metro North West Bowls region.

The region is proposed to be effective from 1st July 2024.

There are a range of steps to be completed before Metro North West Bowls region commences including transferring current assets, winding up existing entities, adoption of new Constitution and establishment of Interim Management Committee.

Clubs and Membership

Click for listing of clubs in the Region, or check the Google map.

The Interim Committee has the responsibility of managing bowls in the Region, and will remain until the second AGM following adoption of the Constitution.

The committee is comprised of one representative of each District and three from Zone 10.

The Interim Management Committee decided to initially have a combined Match/Selection Committee.

This calendar is still to be considered DRAFT until approved by BowlsNSW in the coming weeks.

Draft Constitution & Regulations

These documents remain as draft until they are adopted by Delegates of the Metro North West Region.

Bowls NSW released updated documents 26th March.

Further Reading

Use this link for further general information on the unification process.